NATURAL FIRST AIDHolistic remedies for everyday ailmentsBY ALYS EINION |
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Listed below are the components of a natural first aid kit, aimed at dealing with the minor ailments and accidents which occur from day to day. It can be used alongside the basic components of a household first aid kit - plasters, bandages and dressings, but will address illness and injury holistically rather than symptomatically.
ARNICAArnica is a natural shock absorber, and was a favourite herb of the early American settlers. In France it is know as the herbe des chutes, (chute meaning fall)as it is used for treating bumps and bruises. It is particularly useful if you have children. It provides releif from pain, reduces swelling and aids healing. The ointment can be rubbed into bruises, sprains and strains, and homeopathic arnica can be taken as a remedy for cuts and surgical wounds. The ointment should not be used on broken skin, however. A hot compress of Arnica can be applied to burns and boils, and its anti-inflammatory properties make it very soothing. |
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RESCUE REMEDYRescue remedy is a combination of Bach flower remedies used for treating shock due to trauma, illness, bad news, grief or surgery. The Bach Flower Remedies were developed by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930s. In the belief that all sickness is a product of negative states of mind, Dr Bach used the essences of certain wild plants to treat the underlying emotional reasons for illness. Rescue remedy is a mixture of 5 remedies, and cab also be used in times of stress, for example, before important interviews, going on stage or taking a driving test. It helps to relieve feelings of panic and restores natural balance to the body. |
PEPPERMINTUsually used as an infusion, peppermint taken as a tea is useful in treating colds, as it raises internal temperature and encourages sweating. Its greatest value is as a digestive remedy, reducing vomiting and nausea, easing indigestion and diarrhoea and dispelling flatulence. |
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TEA TREE OILOil from the tea tree was one of many herbal remedies used by Australian Aborigines long before the first fleet landed in 1788. It is strongly antiseptic, non-toxic and non-irritant. It is one of the few essential oils that can be used neat directly on the skin. It is a natural, powerful germicide. It penetrates deeply into the tissues, dispersing pus and cleaning wounds. It helps damaged tissue to heal, and prevents or clears up infection. Since it has a mild, local anaesthetic action, it soothes pain at the same time. Tea tree is a multi-purpose first aid remedy in a bottle. You can use it neat, or diluted, for cuts, bruises, minor burns and scalds. It is also handy for insect bites and stings. Added to shampoo, it remedies itchy scalps and gets rid of headlice. If you have smelly feet, bathing them in diluted tea tree oil alleviates the problem. As a neat oil, its anti-fungal properties combat athletes foot, and its antibacterial and pain releiving properties make it ideal for sore teeth and gums. As a rub it will also relieve muscular pains and strains. It is helpful for coldsores, relieves sunburn and helps prevent blisters. In conjunction with lavender oil it is a strong healing agent and can be used in sickrooms to prevent the spread of infection. |
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WHITE WILLOW BARK White willow bark contains salicylic acid, a natural painkiller. Used as a decoction or infusion, it will relieve headache, toothache, rheumatic or arthritic pain, period pains and muscular pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the swelling in wounds, damaged joints and pulled muscles, and it is particularly effective for back pain. |
COMFREY Comfrey is known as knitbone, and is nature's heal-all. No first aid kit should be without it. Comfrey ointment is used for messy scrapes, bruises, sprains and cuts. It reduces bruising quickly, and speeds the healing of sprains and fractures. The root is used as a decoction made into a compress for bruises, sprains and broken bones, and the leaves are used as an infusion, taken internally, to promote healing. |
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ST JOHN'S WORTSt John's Wort is a natural anti-depressant, and the capsules can be taken in times of stress to help the individual to cope. It induces calm alertness, and also helps combat fatigue and weariness. It is particularly useful for the emotional effects of long term illness, or for the irritability caused by premenstrual syndrome. |